You are here: Using the Leap Find Tool

Using the Find Tool

The Leap Find Tool features and functions are similar to those available in the Polaris staff client Find Tool. However, you cannot search for all record types, search external Z39.50 targets, or perform certain functions from the Find Tool results list in Leap.

With the Leap Find Tool, you can do the following:

Find Tool System Administration Settings Applied to Leap

Polaris Find Tool permissions, such as those for setting up and saving SQL searches, are checked in the Leap application. In addition, if your library has set the Find Tool: Filter search results by permission Staff Client profile to Yes in Polaris Administration, Find Tool results are filtered by the user's permissions.

When you create a record set in Leap from all Find Tool results or from another record set, a warning message may appear depending on the number of records being added to the record set and the setting in the Polaris Administration Staff Client profile Find Tool/record-set-to-record-set creation: Record set size warning.

The following Polaris Administration Staff Client profile settings do not apply to the Leap Find Tool:

The Polaris ILS performance issues that may be encountered with large search results sets do not apply to Leap. In Leap, the results are returned in a virtual result set with 10,000 as the set maximum. The results are filtered by permission by default without regarding the Administration setting.

Initial articles are not stripped out when exact match searches are done, and Leap does not use the initial article table. In addition, Leap has its own automatic suggestions and does not use the Cataloging parameter Auto-suggest feature enabled.

See also: